Skin changes are among the most visible signs of aging – the skin sags and there are fine lines, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. The skin loses its ability to retain moisture, produces less collagen and elastin fibers. In other words, the skin breaks down much as if it was damaged.
With aging the skin thins and becomes more pale and translucent. Large pigmented or “age” spots appear in areas that were exposed to the sun. Blood vessels just below the skin’s surface become more fragile, leading to bruising, bleeding under the skin and cherry angiomas (red spots). Aging skin repairs itself more slowly. LEDS stimulate the basic energy processes causing the skin to repair itself more quickly.
Skin changes are related to environmental factors, genetic makeup, nutrition, sun exposure/tanning beds, smoking and other factors.
According the NASA research, LED (light-emitting diodes) delivers enough energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself without any thermal damage. LEDs stimulate the energy processes of cells and create a reaction that speeds the recovery of the skin. LED has been proven to increase and enhance the action of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) and skin cells increasing collagen and tissue healing.
LEDs deliver enough energy to stimulate a response from the body to reduce the visible effects of aging by stimulating structures of the skin and suppressing further breakdown.