From Lori Gosselin
"Here you are – 24 pristine hours – just for you! You are free to do with them what you will. You can enjoy this day or you can miss it completely. You can carry into it bad memories of the past and nurse them, or you can fill it with dreams for the future, painting them in all their glory. You can submerge yourself into the Gift of the present; just being alive! You enter into the day without any awareness at all that this could be the day you change someone’s life with a smile or word, this could be the day you turn a corner you’ve wanted to turn, or the day you learn something that will fill your life with a whole new excitement and enthusiasm. This could be an ordinary day when you need an ordinary day, or it could be an extraordinary one [those are good too]. Even though you may believe you know what the day will bring, you do not know, not for sure. All you can know at its dawning is what you Intend for it. All you can decide now is whether to enjoy or squander it. Both choices are acceptable, though in any certain day, one choice will bring you more joy than the other. You get to decide. But when it’s over it’s over and Saturday June 7,2008 will never ever BE for you or I again. No renewals, no rain checks, no extensions!"