Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Botox Can Add Wrinkles

In a recent article in The Orange County Register columnist Colin Stewart interviewed several cosmetic doctors about the new wrinkles appearing on famous and Botoxed faces. Seems that the rules kick in "for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction". That is to say that if you paralize one set of muscles other muscles kick in to help out their paralyzed buddies thus creating what is called adjunct wrinkling. Now we're seeing "bunny lines" that start at the sides of the bridge of the nose and end at the outer edge of the eyes. So now the "bunny lines" muscles need Botox.

I'm nether here nor there about Botox. However, I have seen some miraculous softening and rejuvenating effects on my clients who receive regular Microcurrent rejuvenating facials for far less cost and no injected botulism. An added benefit to the Microcurrent rejuvenating facial is that your entire face is lifted and the skin is revitalized.