Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gee, You Look Good . . . . For Your Age

Gee, you look good . . . . for your age! Is that a compliment, a qualifier or an insult?

Perhaps only the giver and receiver of such a remark are the only ones to decide.

Regardless, as we age, the only thing we can hope for is to keep looking our best. As time trots on the looking our best target takes a little more time, care and money.

How much time, care and money? That's up to you.

If you are a person who has moved away from thinking that looking your best is looking as young as possible in favor of wanting to look as good as possible for your age. Away from the rarely natural looking facelift for youth to a maintained subtle natural beauty. There are many safe, no or low downtime, cost effective, healthy options.

In reality, "Gee, you look good for your age" says that you look as if they have a healthy lifestyle and are happy.

Its easier to maintain your looks rather than getting on the "turn back the clock" treadmill. Here are some options:

~ Diet. That's easy. Eat healthy.
~ Exercise. Heard that one before. You know what to do.
~ Beauty treatments. They are restorative. Read on.
~ Maintenance. Of your health and your beauty. Value yourself.

All on the list are about looking better, not younger. In the beauty treatment and maintenance department here are some possibilities:

` Professional skin care options such as microdermabrasion, microcurrent, oxygen, LED, peels or just a good facial.

Some things these treatments can help with:

. As we age our mouths tend to turn down giving us an unhappy look. Microcurrent can help retrain those muscles giving a more pleasant look.

. Light peels will help keep the skin glowing. A glowing complexion is far more important to a "Gee" look than a line here or there.

. Microdermabrasion, LED and peels can create a look of luminosity and get rid of the sun damage (brown spots and superficial wrinkles).

And last but not least - use the recommended products from your skin care professional to keep up to "Gee" look in between treatments.