Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Acne Treatments

How do you treat acne?
There are many self-help tips that you can follow to control acne and prevent scarring.
First of all, keep your hands off your face when you see a pimple. A few moderations to your lifestyle will go a long way in keeping the unwanted pimples at bay. Eat a balanced, healthy meal, sleep well and drink lots of water.

Keep your face as clean and oil free as possible. Use a cleanser to wash your face at least twice a day. This will reduce the irritation and sensitivity of the skin.
Exfoliation is a good way to open the pores without being harsh on your skin. There are several mild exfoliating scrubs available in the market which will gently remove the outer layer of your skin allowing your pores to breath.

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical procedure that can repair, restore and refine the skin by gentle exfoliation and polishing. This FDA approved procedure is a progressive method of refining the skin’s texture while tightening the layers below the surface. Blood flow is increased for collagen and elastin reformation. All with minimal discomfort and no recovery time.

Here at Tamara’s Skin Care of Yorba Linda, we offer treatments beginning at $95 each, or a session of six sessions begin at $510, when paid for and booked in advance. Microdermabrasion treatments can be added to other treatments, beginning at $45.

This technology can be performed on all areas of the body and can be used on all skin types.