Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Natural Ingredients - Emu Oil

Nature frequently provides healing agents that outperform their chemical alternatives - examples of natural antioxidants are astaxanthin (pronounced as-tuh-zan'-thin) from microalgae, which is 550 times greater in antioxidants than the green tea antioxidant EGCG (epigallocathechin-3-gallate) and omega oils that occur in fish and emu.

Some believe that "natural" means the product's ingredients are not strong and effective, scientific studies prove the opposite.

Laboratory formulations that contain natural ingredients can provide optimum results.

The Aborigines in Australia have used emu oil for centuries. A recent study concluded that emu oil, applied topically could verifiably help heal inflamed, irritated and red post-operative skin including scars.

Because emu oil is close to the natural makeup of the skin's natural oils, it penetrates deep enough to treat cuts and fresh burns. Emu oil is about 70% unsaturated fatty acids, mostly oleric acid. 20% of this oil is omega 6 and omega 3. All of these ingredients are proven natural skin healing agents.