The 26th of January begins the year of the Ox. The Ox is the second sign in the Chinese zodiac and signifies new beginnings. The Ox is slow but sure in action - what it creates lasts. This year we must make good choices for what is begun now will have long term consequences.
In case you haven't noticed with all the environmental talk, this is an Earth year. The good news is that this will be a yin year - the feminine less tumultuous side. It will be easier to react to circumstances and relaxing into situations rather than charging at them.

The element the the year of the Ox is water, considered a fixed element that can conflict with the other elements as we have seen in this past year's weather and world events. Fixed elements are also durable so this will be a good year to take action and get things done.
Good action includes planning, scholarship, intellectual pursuits, art, new projects, careers, self improvement, raising things to the next level.
2009 will be the year of lasting accomplishments for individuals, societies, governments and the world in general.
This will be the year that we will create actions that will have long term consequences.
Happy New Year