Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Best Facial Includes Wise Use of Skin Care Products

In the consultation with first time clients I emphasize that we are in this together. Their monthly visit with me will enhance and improve their skin on a professional level. However, for this process to be completely successful they have daily work to do at home with the quality products that I recommend. The initial purchase of the basics which would include a cleanser, toner, daytime moisturizer with SPF, a night cream, and a serum can run over $200 a big investment on top of the cost of a facial.

Here's how to get the most out of your products - wear nitrile or vinyl gloves. These gloves can be purchased inexpensively at most drug stores.

By wearing nitrile or vinyl gloves your products go on your face and neck where you want them and not on your hands. This technique can extend the life of your products by several weeks.