Thursday, April 12, 2012

What Is The Secret of Beauty?

Happiness is the secret to all beauty; there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness. ~Christian Dior
Attributes of happiness:
  • Living longer, 
  • stronger immune systems, 
  • more able to cope with stress, 
  • having an active and enjoyable social life.
Gather happiness around you for your health and beauty.
Science has shown that only 10 % of happiness is from the circumstances in our lives and 40 % comes from thoughts, behaviors and habits. The balancing 50 % is stored in our genes (thanks Mom and Dad). Despite these statistics, many researchers believe that we have control of 100 % of our happiness.
Here are some recently published books that discuss how to increase happiness and health.
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton shares in his book, The Biology of Belief, his theory that beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviors determine whether our genes are expressed or not, so by changing these things, we have the ability to influence up to 90 percent of our happiness.
  • Train Your Mind. Change Your Brain, by Sharon Begley, asserts that we have potential to tap into our minds to transform ourselves and overcome our genetic happiness set-point.
  • Marci Shimoff’s book, Happiness for No Reason, discusses how to increase your happiness set-point.  According to Shimoff, gaining happiness can be boiled down to 21 habits in seven areas of life—empowerment, mind, heart, body, soul, purpose, and relationships.
By developing healthy and happy habits, we improve our reactions to life’s challenging circumstances. Life may not be perfect but we can work towards happy relationships, work and home life bringing about a more beautiful inside and outside.
Smile, laugh, look to the best side.