Wash with mild cleanser & warm water no more than 2x/day. Gently
massage skin with circular motions. Don’t scrub. Over-washing can cause
irritation, inflammation and dehydration.
Don't squeeze. Pimples are caused by sebum, dirt and bacteria in a pore festering.
Squeezing pimples can push infected material further into the skin,
leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring. Treat pimple
with topical products from a reputable Esthetician and get regular
facials with extractions from an Esthetician.
Don't touch with your hands or objects like telephones (do you know where your cellphone has been?). Touching the face can spread bacteria and other organisms causing inflammation and irritation.
Clean glasses (including sunglasses) often to keep oil and bacteria from clogging and infecting pores. This is especially true for those of you who put your sunglasses in your hair.
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