Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Inside-out Wellness

Nutrients make up some of the basic elements of the skin.

Water makes up 50 - 70% of the body's total weight. It is essential for all life. Consuming 8 full (8 oz) glasses of water each day is essential for replacing body water lost and flushing the system of waste.

Alcohol is energy dense having more calories than either carbohydrates or proteins. It is also nutrient poor and dehydrating to the body and the skin.

Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the body, brain and central nervous system providing quick energy. Carbohydrates should make up 50 - 60% of a healthy individual's diet.

  • Simple carbohydrates are sugars which exist in fruit (fructose), milk (lactose) and refined sugars.
  • Complex carbohydrates are a higher quality option because they are nutrient dense. Complex carbohydrtes include whole grain breads, cereals, and vegetables.
To achieve an adequate intake of high quality carbohydrates, consider adding color to your plate.

On the Centers For Disease Control website you can calculate how many fruits and vegetables you need each day.